Week 1 Dev Log

Week 1 (Sep 11 - Sep 17):

Overall progress:

  • Created the initial prototype/demo during Game Jam 2.
  • Decided on an overall atmosphere and mood for the game.

Art team:

  • Created placeholder 3D model assets and environments.
  • Started rigging and animation for characters and props.
  • Drafted initial concept art for the player character and environments.

Music team:

  • Created first drafts for menu and level soundtracks.
  • Created soundtracks for 6 player actions, with variants.

Programming team:

  • Created level management logic, such as loading levels, tracking success and failure conditions, restarting the level, and loading and transitioning to menus.
  • Implemented assets created by the other teams.
  • Created the character controller and integrated menu and character logic.
  • Implemented the main menu and the pause menu.


  • Facilitating effective communication between teams and within teams.
  • Balancing audio assets so that the overall audio level is appropriate.
  • Making animations of the player character unique and lively yet appropriate for the concept of a frail girl.
  • Combining the mood and balance of the environment to fit the game’s themes.
  • Understanding how to implement 3D animation files.

Build /  Screenshots:

Screenshot from game prototype

Screenshot of main menu

Screenshot of pause menu

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